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Official Manual/F.A.Q.


  1. SWTA History
  2. Installation
  3. Playing the Game
  4. Unit Guide
  5. General Strategy/Tactics
  6. Online/Multiplayer Gaming
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Support/Other Miscellany

IV. Unit Guide

  1. Galactic Empire (IMP)
    • TMB (Tracked Mobile Base): the TMB is the Empire's main base-construction machine. TMB's are often sent into unfriendly territory to colonize and pacify the area. Armed with a light anti-infantry laser, the TMB is not a weapon of war, and is better suited to staying behind the front line and building support infrastructure, using its powerful building tools to assist in construction of more advanced structures.
    • Barracks: a training center where new recruits into the Imperial ground forces are trained and armed. Infantry are small, quick, and lightly-armed, making them ineffective individually but able to inflict massive damage when grouped together. Infantry are best used as mixed forces; rather than build only one type of trooper, mix each type together to create a well-balanced fighting force.
      • Construction Droid: a light worker with the ability to build structures the TMB cannot. Vital to any army wishing to progress past ground troops. Construction Droids build slowly and maneuver slowly, so using groups of droids to work on each structure is recommended. You can also use Droids to assist your factories in constructing your units, speeding production without having to construct an additional factory.
      • Stormtrooper: the infamous Stormtroopers, feared across the galaxy for their fearless, unquestioning loyalty to the Emperor. Wielding a light laser rifle, the Stormtrooper is the weakest of the Imperial ground forces. He is inexpensive to build, however, and deadly in groups, where shear numbers can often overwhelm an opponent. The Stormtrooper's laser can also be set to "stun," paralyzing any infantry he hits.
      • Repeater-Rifle Soldier: armed with a repeating rifle, the RR Soldier has a stronger, longer-ranged weapon than the standard Stormtrooper. His rifle has a further range than any other ground troop, allowing him to attack from a distance. His range comes at a cost, though; his larger weapon slows down his movement, allowing enemy troops to overrun him as he attempts to keep his range advantage established.
      • Flame-Thrower Soldier: the deadliest of ground troops. His flamethrower, while short-ranged, will make quick work of any trooper he gets close to. They are also a good threat to low-level vehicles and hovercraft. Mixing FT Soldiers among Stormtroopers and RR Soldiers can help to disguise their damage potential, allowing them to sneak into range while the enemy fires on the weaker troops. Beware, the explosive chemicals this Soldier carries result in a powerful explosion upon death.
      • Rocket Soldier: the Empire's main mobile anti-aircraft support exists in the form of the Rocket Soldier. Armed with an Concussion Missile Launcher, the Rocket Soldier is a threat to all aircraft. He carries no defense against ground targets, however, so escorts are needed to protect Rocket Soldier groups. An essential part of any attack force.
      • Mobile E-web Trooper: this trooper carries a deployable E-web blaster similar to the one buildable by the TMB. The bulkiness of the E-web Trooper's weapon slows him down tremendously compared to other troopers, but his lack of speed is made up for with his weapon. The trooper must stop and deploy his turret before firing, but once deployed the Mobile E-web Trooper provides rapid-fire support to any attack or defense force.
      • Speeder Bike: a light, very fast scout vehicle. Best used scouting for enemy defenses and light raiding missions. The Speeder Bike can traverse over water, making it an effective surprise-attacker on terrain with large bodies of water. The bike is armed with a light laser and is also built by the Vehicle Plant.
      • CAP-2 Walker: the CAP-2 Walker is a light suit of personal armor intended to transform one trooper into a formidable fighting machine. Its armor is heavy compared to troopers, but is far less than its larger vehicle and walker cousins. The CAP-2 is armed with a medium blaster effective against troopers, and though its turret aims sluggishly, its weapon is powerful enough to incinerate most troopers in 1-2 shots. It is a prime defensive weapon for the early game.
    • Droid Production Facility: constructs attack droids made famous during the wars between the Republic and the Trade Federation and its allies. All droids cost an amount of energy to run at all times, but can be constructed extremely quickly and for fewer resources than human soldiers. The Facility itself provides enough energy for a small droid force, but additional generators are needed for larger forces. All droids have much smaller sight ranges than human troopers, reflecting their dependence upon sentient guidance.
      • Construction Droid: a light worker with the ability to build structures the TMB cannot. Vital to any army wishing to progress past ground troops.
      • Probe Droid: a small, stealthy droid designed by the Empire to track down hidden Rebel outposts. Probe Droids can patrol unexplored territory quickly and effectively, discovering enemy units and structures faster than other non-aircraft units. Because they are designed to remain unsalvageable upon detection, Probe Droids will self-destruct if any hostile units discover them.
      • Battle Droid: a basic attack droid used extensively during the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo. Battle Droids are extremely cheap and very quick to build, allowing an Imperial player to produce massive armies in a short time. They are armed with a blaster similar to the standard Stormtrooper rifle, and are slightly less-armored than Stormtroopers themselves.
      • Battle Droid Captain: designed to lead armies of Battle Droids in the field, Captains are given upgraded sensors and logic-processing units, giving them a larger sight radius than standard Battle Droids. The presence of Captains enables other droids to fire upon enemies they might not otherwise detect. Captains have slightly more armor than regular Battle Droids, but not enough to make them resistant to more than a handful of blaster shots.
      • Super Battle Droid: designed with the faults of the regular Battle Droid in mind, the Super Battle Droid is a heavily-armed-and-armored fighting machine. The Super droid is much more resistant to laser fire than either Battle Droid, and has a rapid-fire laser that draws on the unit's superior energy system, giving it a more-powerful weapon. They still rely on Captains for extended sight though, and thus are not truly autonomous.
      • Destroyer Droid: the Destroyer Droid, or Droideka, was the pride of Trade Federation engineers. Fearsome in appearance, the Droideka was made famous by its rolling movement; though it could walk short distances, the droid always curled into a fast-moving ball when moving over large areas. It is armed with two heavy blaster cannons and a personal shield generator that gives it excellent armor.
      • Mark 1 Droid Walker: used extensively as a patrol guard in Imperial bases throughout the galaxy, the Mark 1 walker also sees action on the battlefield as a light walker with respectable armament. With medium speed, the Mark 1 serves best as an escort protecting droids and troopers against larger vehicles. It carries a rapid-fire laser cannon on each arm, which it uses at close range to chew into enemy armor.
    • Vehicle Plant: produces lower-level tanks and atmospheric aircraft. Tanks are much more heavily armed and armored than infantry, though less so than walkers. They are cheaper and faster to produce than walkers, however, and should not be overlooked by Imperial players. A large force of vehicles and infantry can easily overwhelm most defensive emplacements.
      • Construction Droid: a light worker with the ability to build structures the TMB cannot. Vital to any army wishing to progress past ground troops.
      • Speeder Bike: a light, very fast scout vehicle. Best used scouting for enemy defenses and light raiding missions. Can traverse over water. The Speeder Bike is also built by the Barracks.
      • Compact Assault Vehicle (CAV): the CAV is a highly mobile anti-infantry battery. Its light laser is very effective at stopping infantry swarms, but does less damage against armored vehicles and repulsorcraft. It is less expensive than the TIE-Crawler, thus making it useful for early raiding and skirmishes. The presence of a single CAV can quickly turn the tide in an otherwise infantry-only war.
      • TIE Crawler (TIE/C): the mainstay assault tank of the Empire. The TIE Crawler is a slow, armored tank essential to all operations. While its laser leaves room for desire, it has thick armoring resistant to the fire of infantry. TIE/C's are effective at destroying anti-infantry batteries that might otherwise stop waves of troops. Its sturdy, compact frame allows it to travel underwater.
      • Combat Cloud Car: light atmospheric fighter. Armed with a light laser, the Combat Cloud Car is a small threat on its own, but in groups can be very effective at destroying resource centers and factories behind enemy lines. They have very weak armoring though, and are best kept well away from AA fire. Recent modifications to the Cloud Car have significantly increased its damage potential against both Imperial and Rebel walkers.
      • Mobile Artillery: a much-needed addition to the Imperial war machine, the Mobile Artillery provides a hovercraft platform capable of firing high-damage energy bursts over large distances. Because of the tremendous recoil caused by firing these bursts, the Artillery must stop and deploy before firing; deployment is automatic upon stopping. The Mobile Artillery cannot fire while moving or when over water, where it cannot deploy its shock-absorbant struts.
      • Republic Battle Tank: the Battle Tank saw extensive use during the Clone Wars between the Republic and its enemies. It is still used in modern times by Imperial armies for its medium armor, hovercraft ability, and heavy blaster cannons. The tank carries a turret atop its cockpit similar to the TIE Crawler's. Its pride, however, lies in its twin blaster cannons; though they can only fire in a forward direction, they pack a very powerful punch and make the Battle Tank a formidable foe on the ground or over water.
      • Troop Transport: this ground transportation vehicle can quickly ferry up to twenty troopers, droids, or light vehicles around the battlefield. With heavy armor and excellent speed, the Troop Transport is an excellent choice for moving a squad of infantry past a heavy E-web defense. This transport features an automatic unloading facility; simply click Unload, click on the battlefield, and all your troopers will be unloaded in perfect formation! For weaponry, it sports a light blaster and medium anti-infantry blaster, the latter of which can only be used when at least five troopers/droids are loaded into the transport.
      • Hailfire Droid Tank: the Imperial army stole the designs for this fast-attack missile tank from the former Confederate army, who used them during the Clone Wars of old. The Hailfire features burst-attack rockets with a long range. It is extremely fast, making it a devastating hit-and-run vehicle. However, it has very poor maneuverability and fragile armor, so keep it away from enemy forces.
    • Walker Plant: constructs Imperial walkers. Walkers are large, powerful metallic frames that "walk" over the ground. They are very heavily armed and armored, able to withstand much more punishment than tanks, repulsors, and infantry. They cost much more than their vehicular counterparts and are less versatile; where the TIE Crawler is effective against all types of units, all walkers have a specialized role.
      • Construction Walker: grants access to the highest level of Imperial technology. The efficient energy systems of this walker result in increased production speed over traditional Construction Droids, allowing a well-funded Imperial army to mass-produce weapons of destruction.
      • All-Terrain Attack Vehicle (ATAV): the ATAV is a swift, lightly-armed walker with minimal armor. Its most potent feature is its quick, long stride that allows it to cover long distances quickly. This makes the ATAV a very effective raider, as it can literally run past defenses to destroy resource generators at the heart of an enemy's base. It is also equipped with a radar device, making it useful for keeping tabs on enemy movements.
      • All-Terrain Personal Transport (ATPT): armed with an anti-infantry laser with a large blast radius, the ATPT excels at destroying groups of troops. It has high armor and can maneuver quickly over the battlefield, making it ideal for quick-strikes into the heart of an enemy formation. They are not invulnerable, however; they fall easy prey to other vehicles and walkers and can be overwhelmed by large infantry groups. The Imperial ATPT has more armoring than its Rebel counterpart but costs slightly more.
      • All-Terrain Scout Transport (ATST): the fearsome ATST is the Empire's premiere anti-armor walker. Towering over the battlefield, the sight of a pair of ATST's with infantry and vehicle support is enough to cause any Rebel commander to panic. Its twin medium lasers chew through all but the toughest vehicle armor. They are quite expensive however, so beware relying on them solely for attack and defense.
      • All-Terrain Scout Transport/Assault (ATST/AS): the ATST/AS is the heavy-assault cousin of the standard ATST. It has a single heavy laser beneath its chin which is geared towards base demolition. An ATST/AS alone in an enemy base can cause massive amounts of damage in short time. Its use on the battlefield is limited however; its laser has a long reload and does less damage to most heavily-armored military targets than the ATST.
      • All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft (ATAA): the ATAA is a powerful anti-aircraft platform useful for defending against large packs of aircraft which would otherwise decimate Rocket Troopers. The ATAA carries a burst-missile launcher that decimates any aircraft unlucky enough to be targeted. The ATAA's turret moves a little slow, though, so quick-moving aircraft can often fly circles around it.
    • Air Base: constructs low-level aircraft quickly and efficiently. Though Imperial aircraft aren't as formidable as shielded Rebel craft, they nevertheless fill vital roles in your war effort. TIE Fighters and Interceptors are cheaper and quicker to build than Rebel Headhunters and A-Wings, and they perform remarkably well in large packs. Imperial players should always aim to produce large numbers of aircraft, relying on quantity over quality to win wars.
      • TUG: a construction aircraft whose speed and mobility make up for its light armor and weak building tools. Like its Rebel counterpart, the Imperial TUG can build any structure the Construction Droid can. TUGs are very effective at assisting your factories produce units, as a near-infinite number of TUGs can fit above each factory.
      • TIE Scout (TIE/S): an unarmed, weakly-armored scouting craft with extensive radar capabilities that can be quickly produced and repaired. Use TIE Scouts to search enemy territory for vital structures like Repulsorlift Plants or Tibanna Refineries, then use your TIE Bombers to take those targets out. Scouts can also be used to keep track of enemy movements with their medium-range radars.
      • TIE Fighter (TIE/ln): a cheap, mass-produced, multi-role fighter armed with twin light lasers. As a symbol of the Empire's military might, the TIE Fighter is known and feared throughout the galaxy. TIE Fighters themselves are unimpressive militarily; it is the Empire's ability to swarm its enemies with countless fighters that causes the TIE Fighter to be so feared.
      • TIE Interceptor (TIE/I): the Empire's main dogfighter, big brother to the TIE Fighter. Fast and well-armed, the TIE/I can deal good damage while staying a hard target to hit. The Interceptor is best used to take out opposing aircraft, but can also be very effective at tying up AA-batteries while TIE Bombers and Gunboats attack.
      • TIE Bomber (TIE/B): armed with twin light lasers and proton bombs, the TIE/B is a tough, effective bomber best used to hit stationary targets deep in enemy territory. The TIE Bomber has stronger armor than the Interceptor or Fighter, helping it survive surgical strikes deep in enemy territory. Its proton bombs are of little use against mobile targets though, a role best left to the Assault Gunboat.
      • Assault Gunboat: the Assault Gunboat is armed with medium lasers and a concussion missile launcher, and armored with a shield generator. The Gunboat's best role is attacking ground targets, where its long-ranged lasers can chew through most attackers before they get in range to see what is attacking. They are slow, however, so beware attacks from faster-moving AA troops and fighters.
      • TIE Drone/Droid (TIE/Dr): a relatively new fighter is the TIE/Dr, a variation on the TIE/ln that relies on a complex artificial intelligence for piloting. Though computers can process information faster than living pilots, they lack the intuition and randomness that living pilots use to their advantage. The TIE Drone is small, cheap, and fast, making it a great swarm fighter, but its computer brain limits it significantly in two ways. The Drone reveals little terrain while in flight, and does not always engage enemies as often as a commander would like. These are flaws in the computer of the Drone and sadly affect its otherwise stellar performance on the battlefield.
      • Low-Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT/c): a light gunship used extensively by the Republic during the Clone Wars. Small and agile, the LAAT sports a blaster cannon and two side-mounted laser turrets. This allows the LAAT to engage up to three targets at once, making it effective at skirmishing with large groups of infantry and light-vehicles.
      • Low-Altitude Assault Transport/Cargo (LAAT/c): this heavy aircraft is able to load all but the largest of Imperial ground units and move them through the sky to other destinations. Using the LAAT/c, a commander can move his construction units to any portion of the map, whether it be freely accessible or inhibited by water, moutains, or endless void.
    • Advanced Air Base: this base constructs the mightiest starfighters known to the galaxy. Ranging from interceptors to heavy assault gunships, the Imperial Advanced Starfighters are each a sight to behold. All ships from this lab, unlike their standard counterparts, are shielded and armed to the teeth. The lab also features a starfighter repair bay, where all fighters can land for a quick, automatic repair.
      • CUV: the Combat Utility Vehicle is a heavier version of the TUG, whose larger memory banks allow it to build the advanced structures of the Imperial Army. Use the CUVs to build advanced structures and economic buildings. Like TUGs, the CUV can be an effective building assistant, as it builds much faster than the TUG or Construction Droid.
      • Assault Missileboat: first deployed to counter the traitor Admiral Zaarin's fleet of TIE Defenders, the Missileboat now sees extended action as a heavy assault gunship. Hovering above the battlefield like the Gunboat, the Missileboat fires volley after volley of devastating advanced concussion missiles at every target in sight. It also has heavy shielding, which allows it to attack defended bases that would give the Gunboat some trouble.
      • TIE Advanced (TIE/A): based on the fighter flown personally by Lord Darth Vader, the TIE Advanced (A.K.A. TIE Avenger) represents a drastic change in TIE design philophy. While it retains the familiar circular cockpit design, the TIE Advanced shows no other resemblance to older models: it is equipped with a shield generator, armed with heavy laser cannons, and also sports a concussion missile launcher. Its speed is similar to that of the Rebel A-wing, making it a devastating interceptor and air superiority fighter.
      • TIE Defender (TIE/D): the fastest, most heavily-armed fighter in the galaxy. The TIE Defender is a massively powerful fighter, whose heavy lasers, ion cannons, and advanced concussion missiles can make short work of any other fighter or ground attack craft. Its triangular-arrayed solar panels are drastically different from traditional TIE designs, but benefit the craft with phenomenal speed and maneuverability. The TIE Defender is extremely expensive, however, and rarely makes an appearance in a battle in large numbers.
      • Scimitar Bomber: with the appearance of heavy Rebel air defenses, the Imperial Navy needed a strategic bomber that could inflitrate enemy airspace and devastate a target. The Scimitar Bomber is the result of this need: a moderately-speedy ship, the Scimitar benefits from heavy armor and features high-yield bombs that plaster an area with explosions. It is the most expensive ship known to the Empire, however, and should be protected by fighter escorts wherever it may travel. But do not understimate its bombing ability: one run by a Scimitar can destroy an entire Rebel defense line!
      • TIE Phantom: this experimental fighter has only recently been deployed from our science labs. It carries a highly effective cloaking device, which renders the ship completely invisible to both the naked eye and enemy radar. This makes the TIE Phantom a very effective scout, as it can patrol enemy lines without being detected. The Phantom is unarmed and lightly armored, making it useless as an attack craft.
    • Structures:
      • Fusion Generator: This power plant produces the Empire's main source of energy, which is in turn used to power weapons and construct other units and structures. The generator will explode rather violently when destroyed, so be careful when placing many of them in one area. Fusion Generators are more efficient than their Rebel counterparts, and thus are more expensive.
      • Solar Collector: An alternate source of energy. This plant collects solar energy and concentrates it, powering all of the Alliance's units and buildings. Available solar energy depends on a planet's orientation and distance from nearby stars, so each location's solar richness will vary. Additionally, solar energy fluxuates over time, providing random amounts of energy throughtout a battle.
      • Mineral Extractor: removes valuable minerals from varying sources. Minerals are used in constructing units and structures. Heavily-armored units cost more minerals to construct than those with lower armor. Mineral sources can be anything from mines in the ground to chunks of crystals laying in a forest.
      • Mineral Maker: by compressing vast amounts of energy, Imperial scientists are able to produce a small amount of minerals. Mineral Makers are useful in situations where an abundance of energy, but lack of minerals, exists. Use them wisely and in small portions; they drain energy at an enormous rate.
      • Energy Storage: a structure designed to hold excess energy that would otherwise go to waste. Since energy is vital to your military units, it is wise to keep large amounts in storage. The MCV and other construction units each provide a small amount of storage, but the Energy Storage structure will greatly increase that amount.
      • Mineral Storage: similarly designed to store excess minerals in case more are needed at a later time. It is very common for a once-healthy economy to quickly fall into recession because of over-expansion and enemy raids. Mineral Storage structures will increase the excess minerals you can store, helping reduce the severity of such recessions.
      • Tibanna Refinery: natural sources of Tibanna gas exist on many worlds. By placing a Refinery over such gas vents, vast amounts of energy can be created. As Tibanna gas is highly flammable, losing a Refineriy will result in tremendous explosions. The risk is well worth-it though; Refineries produce as much energy as a dozen Solar Collectors.
      • Sensor Tower: the Sensor Tower will expand your radar coverage, allowing you to observe enemy movements on your mini-map. An absolutely essential part of every base. Beware, some units have the ability to jam radars, allowing units to sneak by unnoticed. It is thus wise to keep up constant patrols outside your base.
      • E-web Blaster Emplacement: the E-web is a powerful anti-infantry battery. It fires very rapidly, allowing it to destroy hoards of infantry before they even get in range to fire. However, the E-web's cooling technology is very unrefined, forcing it to slow its rate of fire after an extended period of fire. At this point, the E-web becomes susceptible to the lightest of attacks and can easily be overwhelmed. You can force the E-web to fire at its slower rate, saving the fast-firing mode for when it is needed most, by turning it Off.
      • Sandbags: while seemingly useless, Sandbags are perhaps your greatest defensive structure. Sandbags will utterly stop any enemy ground movement, allowing you to cut off passages and force enemy troops to traverse certain well-defended areas. Defensive structures are greatly improved with the presence of sandbags, which deflect and prevent enemy fire from hitting the defensive structures.
      • Missile Turret: stationary anti-aircraft battery. Fires powerful Concussion Missiles at incoming aircraft that track targets very effectively. Though they fire slowly and have difficulties tracking the fastest aircraft, Missile Turrets are essential to any base defense, providing heavy damage that is unmatched by Rocket Troopers.
      • Ion Turret: fires pulses of ionized energy that completely disable any mechanical unit. Ion Turrets do no damage to any unit, instead relying on supplementary defenses and units to destroy targets it disables. These turrets are very effective at stopping an enemy's march through your base.
      • Turbolaser Battery: heavy base defense featuring a pair of high-energy blaster cannons. Most-commonly used for weapons aboard capital star ships like the Star Destroyer, Turbolasers can also be used to defend ground installations, where their high-powered, long-ranged lasers make short work of any enemy units in the area. They are expensive and take an extensive amount of time to build, preventing them from being used too widely.
      • Energy Generator: recent engineering advances have resulted in the Energy Generator, a high-yield power system that provides more power to your army than three-dozen Fusion Generators. Use these generators to power your late-game armies, gradually replacing your Fusion Generator fields. Keep them well-guarded, though, as they are fragile and explode in a mighty fashion when destroyed!
      • Advanced Mineral Extractor: a more efficient version of the Mineral Extractor that bores deeper into the planet to remove greater quantities of valuable minerals. One Advanced Extractor produces minerals three times faster than a standard extractor. You should transition to these extractors as your army grows in size, using their extra output to produce larger and advanced armies.
      • Heavy Missile Battery: based on the successful AT-AA walker, this advanced structure is the Imperial Army's heaviest anti-aircraft structure. It features a burst rocket system that fires extremely powerful missiles in groups powerful enough to incinerate all but the heaviest aircraft. You will need to make use of these batteries to defend against Rebel advanced aircraft, whose shields are too strong to take down with only Missile Turrets.
      • Stationary Artillery: the recent deployment of the Rebel Heavy Tracker and Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher left the Imperial Army in a desperate situation: while our Turbolasers can make short work of any Rebel craft foolish enough to close within range, the aforementioned vehicles feature weapons that outrange our Turbolasers! The Stationary Artillery was designed specifically with these threats in mind: it lobs high-energy shells across the battlefield, far outranging any mobile unit the Rebellion (or Empire) can muster.
    • Build Tree:
      • TMB: builds Fusion Generator, Mineral Extractor, Mineral Maker, Energy Storage, Mineral Storage, Sensor Tower, Barracks, Air Base, Droid Production Facility , and E-web Turret.
      • Construction Droid: builds all TMB structures, plus Tibanna Refinery, Vehicle Plant, Sandbags, Missile Turret, Ion Turret, and Turbolaser Battery.
      • TUG: builds all Construction Droid structures, plus Advanced Air Base.
      • CUV and Construction Walker: builds Energy Generator, Advanced Mineral Extractor, Heavy Missile Battery, and Stationary Artillery.

  2. Rebel Alliance (REB)
    • MCV (Mobile Command Vehicle): the MCV is used by the Rebel Alliance to establish forward bases in the war against the Empire. The MCV is armed with a light anti-infantry laser. Its powerful building tools make it the Rebellion's quickest builder, and thus is best used to help build up support infrastructure back at base.
    • Barracks: Rebel infantry are trained at the Barracks. Infantry can take very little damage and have low-powered weapons, but they are cheap, quick to build, quickly-moving, and can traverse nearly every type of terrain. When used in numbers, they can surround their targets and pummel them with relentless barrages of fire. Infantry are a vital part of every attack force, and learning to control them effectively is necessary to become an advanced SWTA player.
      • Construction Droid: the Construction Droid is necessary to expand your base beyond the Barracks. The droid can construct advanced defenses and construction plants, like the Golan turret and Hovercraft Platform. Droids are cumbersome and fragile, so keep them away from enemy forces. They also build much slower than the MCV, so using multiple droids per structure is recommended.
      • Fleet Trooper: the lowest of Rebel fighters, the Fleet Trooper is armed with a light laser than can be fired in a paralyzing "stun" shot. The Trooper's rifle is weaker and shorter-ranged than any Imperial gun, placing him at a distinct disadvantage when pitted against Imperial forces of equal size.
      • Wookie Soldier: armed with a traditional bowcaster, Wookie Soldiers are both better armed and can take more punishment than their Fleet Trooper counterparts. However, their bowcasters have shorter range than Trooper rifles and take longer to reload; they are most effective when concentrating their fire on heavier vehicles and walkers that Fleet Troopers barely scratch.
      • Rocket Soldier: this soldier carries a Concussion Missile Launcher to deal with enemy aircraft. His weapon, however, can only fire at aircraft, leaving him highly vulnerable to ground attacks. Do not underestimate the importance of Rocket Troopers in an effective ground attack force, as an attack without air cover easily falls prey to marauding aircraft.
      • Mobile MRB Trooper: the MRB Trooper carries a deployable blaster turret similar to the Medium-Repeater Blaster built by the MCV. The bulkiness of the MRB Trooper's weapon slows him down tremendously compared to other troopers, but his lack of speed is made up for with his weapon. The trooper must stop and deploy his turret before firing, but once deployed the Mobile MRB Trooper provides rapid-fire support to any attack or defense force.
      • Swoop: a fast, hard-to-control personal transport similar to an Imperial Speeder Bike. A single Rebel Trooper rides the swoop and is armed with a standard blaster rifle. Unfortunately, the rider cannot fire while moving his vehicle; the swoop would careen out-of-control if he lets go of the controls at any time. Thus the rider must bring his vehicle to a halt before firing, limiting his use militarily. He does make an excellent early-game raider, though.
      • ESPO Security Walker: SecuriTech's ESPO Walker is a light walker armed with a blaster cannon, and is quite effective against individual forces. Its quick speed allows it to respond quickly to attacks, making it a prime defensive unit. The ESPO has very light armor however, so keep it away from larger tanks and walkers.
    • Heavy Infantry Barracks: trains and arms the advanced troopers of the Alliance, who require a special facility for training. Heavy Infantry have stats similar to regular infantry, but with more advanced weapons and combat training. Heavy Infantry are more evasive than their lesser-trained counterparts and are thus harder for the enemy to hit, but their training comes with a slightly higher cost. Heavy Infantry are meant to supplement, not replace, regular infantry.
      • Construction Droid: builds more-advanced structures and labs than the MCV. Gives access to aircraft and hovercraft.
      • Spy: Bothan Spies produce nearly all of the Rebel Alliance's reconnaisance information. Experts at stealth and observation, Spies can infiltrate most bases and uncover enemy movements and production. They do not appear on radar, allowing them to slip into and out of enemy establishments undetected.
      • Commando: like Spies, Rebel Commandos are stealthy troopers who do not appear on enemy radar. Unlike the Spy, the Commando is rather heavily-armed with a sniper rifle and time bomb. His rifle allows him to decimate small groups of infantry from a long range away, while his time bomb enables him to flatten an undefended base with high-powered explosives. He also carries a pouch of sabotage mines that can be used to quickly blow holes in sandbag lines; two of these mines are enough to clear a 3-square hole for units to pass through.
      • Heavy Trooper: this elite soldier is a battle-hardened veteran who is heavily armed and armored. The Heavy Trooper enters battle with an advanced laser rifle and hand-thrown concussion grenades which deal a moderate amount of damage in a large area. He is very effective at holding off large groups of enemy troops, making the most of his advanced weaponry.
      • Heavy Rocket Trooper: unlike the standard Rocket Trooper, this heavy trooper carries a rocket launcher that targets ground units. His rocket is a double threat, combining high damage against armored units with a long range that lets him fire from afar. The Heavy Rocket Trooper is slower-moving and carries less armor than other troopers, leaving him vulnerable to flanking attacks.
    • Repulsorlift Plant: constructs the Alliance's hovercraft and repulsor-powered attack vehicles. Repulsor craft have a high velocity but are difficult to maneuver; they often get stuck behind trees, rocks, and other obstructions that more-nimble walkers and troopers pass with ease. Hovercraft are quite varied and versatile; Rebel commanders are quite fond of their hovercraft forces and always use their speed to their advantage.
      • Construction Droid: builds more-advanced structures and labs than the MCV. Gives access to heavy infantry, hovercraft, and advanced ground weapons.
      • Landspeeder: a fast, unarmed scout craft that is cheap and quick to produce. The Landspeeder is equipped with a radar and a personal radar jammer, making it a very versatile unit to watch enemy troop movements while itself staying off radar. It is the fastest land unit in the game and can easily stay out of sight of attacking forces.
      • Combat Airspeeder: light, fast-attack atmospheric fighter made famous during the Battle of Hoth. Most effective at engaging enemy walkers and harassing resource centers behind enemy lines. Airspeeders have light armor, so keep them away from enemy defenses. Their specially-modified blasters do extra damage to all walker-class units.
      • Ultra-Light Attack Vehicle (ULAV): the Ultra-Light Attack Vehicle is an older hovercraft used during the waning days of the Republic. It is fast and lightly-armored, but armed with a twin-blaster cannon designed to destroy infantry, as well as a light stun cannon on the rear of the craft. The stun cannon can briefly stun infantry forces, causing them to freeze for a short amount of time.
      • Trackata 1-A: the T1-A is a fast-attack hovercraft armed with two independent lasers. This makes the T1-A very effective at engaging multiple targets at once, but also means that it takes the T1-A longer to destroy a single target amongst a group, for its second laser will be busy firing at a separate target. The T1-A's speed (along with all hovercraft) makes it a devastating raider/interceptor, able to slip past enemy forces and destroy infrastructure, only to return to base to assist in defense before Imperial troops can organize a counterattack.
      • Trackata 1-B: where the T1-A is best used as an anti-ground-force platform, the T1-B is geared more towards front-line anti-aircraft support. Armed with a medium laser and Concussion Missile launcher, the T1-B is not as powerful overall as the T1-A, but makes up for its lack offensively with a defensive bonus. The T1-B is armored with a shield generator that greatly reduces the damage it takes. This feature is best used on the front line to draw fire away from infantry and T1-As, allowing them to inflict the real damage against the enemy.
      • Freerunner CAV: the heaviest of the Alliance's hovercraft forces, the Freerunner comes armed with an advanced laser turret that deals high damage to other vehicles and walkers. It is almost as speedy as the Trackata repulsors, with higher armor and a higher cost to go with it. Imperial AT-ST walkers provide more power for their cost, but the Freerunner's versatility is unmatched..
      • V-Wing Atmospheric Fighter: the V-Wing is a fast, medium-armored ground-attack fighter. It hovers over the battlefield, spraying its foes with a foray of gunfire. Its lasers are slightly less powerful than normal aircraft lasers, but its rapid rate-of-fire makes up for this. V-Wings make outstanding raiders, able to inflict massive damage to undefended bases.
      • Loratus Hover Transport: able to load twenty troopers and move them swiftly across the battlefield, even over water, the Loratus is a valuable asset to the Alliance. The Loratus is heavily-armored and armed with a medium blaster than can only be used when at least five troopers ride inside. This transport features the same automatic-unloading feature of the Imperial Troop Transport, simplifying the process of unloading your troops for battle
    • Heavy Weapons Lab: constructs the Alliance's advanced ground weapons. Though it is more expensive than the Repulsorlift Plant, the Heavy Weapons Lab gives access to the heaviest ground vehicles in the Alliance military and is necessary to combat the might of Imperial walkers.
      • Construction Hovercraft: grants access to the highest levels of Alliance equipment, including advanced resource production and defense weapons vital to prolonged victory against the Empire.

      • Scanner Jammer: equipped with radar-jamming software that masks unit signals from enemy radar. The Scanner Jammer will completely hide any force inside its jamming radar while giving that same force extended radar coverage. Its jammer drains a fair amount of energy, so be sure your economy is equipped to handle such a drain before constructing one.
      • Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher: slow and cumbersome, the Proton Torpedo Launcher carries the Rebellion's fiercest weapon. The proton torpedo it fires has a very long range, able to attack units outside the Launcher's sight range. The Launcher itself has a long reload time, limiting its effectiveness is small numbers. In groups, though, the Proton Torpedo Launcher can make a near-unstoppable force. In addition to its primary torpedo tube, the Launcher has a secondary, vertically-launched torpedo that it can use to fire over sandbagged defenses.
      • All-Terrain Personal Transport (ATPT): armed with an anti-infantry laser with a large blast radius, the ATPT excels at destroying groups of troops. It has high armor and can maneuver quickly over the battlefield, making it ideal for quick-strikes into the heart of an enemy formation. They are not invulnerable, however; they fall easy prey to other vehicles and walkers and can be overwhelmed by large infantry groups.
      • Heavy Tracker: the Heavy Tracker is a heavy repulsor
        craft with a long-range artillery laser. The Tracker can fire further than any other Alliance ground unit, but because its weapon is laser-based, it is ineffective in hilly terrain, or any other battleground with large amounts of corpses or other blocking structures. It also has extremely heavy armor, but moves slowly and costs more than any other Rebellion ground weapon save the Attack Tank.
      • Attack Tank: the Rebellion's most powerful mobile weapon. The Attack Tank has it all: the heaviest armor of any conventional Imperial or Rebel unit, a heavy laser, and a heavy rocket launcher. Though the rocket launcher can only fire forwards, it packs a devastating punch that can rip through defenses and can even be used to destroy corpses, trees, and sandbags. The Attack Tank's high armor makes it an ideal base assault unit, as it can easily close on a Turbolaser firing at maximum range without being destroyed.
      • Mobile Stormcannon: with the debut of advanced Imperial fighters, especially the TIE Defender and Scimitar Bomber, Alliance High Command commissioned the Stormcannon, a mobile high-energy laser battery that excells in destroying enemy starfighters. The Stormcannon is a quad-laser array mounted on top of a Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher chassis, which lends the Stormcannon the same speed and maneuverability of the MPTL. Essential in late-game attack groups for protection against advanced fighter craft, which normal rocket troopers and Trackata-1B hovercraft find difficult to kill.
    • Aircraft Base: builds part of the Alliance's devastating air force. All Rebel aircraft (except for the TUG) are armed with shield generators that give them far more protection against harm than their Imperial counterparts. Aircraft are expensive and have long build times, but are very hard to stop in groups.
      • TUG: fast but unmaneuverable, the TUG utility craft can build all structures that the Construction Droid can. The TUG is vital in helping mass-produce aircraft, as it is able to assist the Aircraft Base in its construction. It is fairly quick and can be used to establish bases in areas the MCV and Construction Droid cannot reach, though it builds even slower than the Construction Droid.
      • T-Wing: an older, light fighter best used as a scout craft. Although armed with lasers, the T-Wing is ineffective as an attack craft, as its lasers are underpowered and its armoring leaves much to be desired. It is, however, equipped with radar, allowing Rebel players to keep tabs on their Imperial enemies through the air.
      • Z-95 Headhunter: The Z95 is an outdated craft that still serves as an effective dogfighter and groud-attack craft. It is armed with dual lasers and Magnetic Pulse Warheads, which disable any mechanical unit/structure for a limited time. Used effectively, Mag Pulse Warheads can cripple an enemy force and enable swift, brutal counterattacks.
      • A-Wing Interceptor: the Alliance's premiere interceptor is the A-Wing. With blazing speed and a devastating twin laser/Concussion Missile combo, the A-Wing dominates the air. It is fairly expensive to build and does not have much armoring, however, making it a fragile and expensive investment. A group of A-Wings will utterly destroy an enemy air force, provided advance detection points out the presence of such a force.
      • Y-Wing Bomber: a rugged fighter/bomber, the Y-Wing is armed with a light laser and a proton-bomb bay. The Y-Wing makes passes on a target, releasing a single, unguided bomb per pass. While somewhat inaccurate, the proton bombs are fairly powerful, and thus do great amounts of damage in groups. Beware air defenses, for they can make short work of the slow-moving Y-Wing. Like the TIE Bomber, these craft are ineffective against mobile troops.
      • Corellian Cargo Hauler: this aircraft can lift any Rebellion ground unit and transport it through the air to another location. Using the Cargo Hauler will allow a commander to expand his territory quickly and efficiently, as well as move slower units (like the Attack Tank or MPTL) to the front-lines without delay.
    • Advanced Starfighter Base: produces the most advanced fighters in the Rebel fleet. From the Fighter That Killed the Death Star to the newest heavy bomber in the galaxy, Rebel Advanced Starfighters are efficient killing machines. All fighters sport advanced shield and weapon generators, and are equipped with devastating weaponry. Use them to your full advantage!
      • Combat Utility Vehicle: like the TUG, the CUV is an airborne builder. Unlike the TUG, the CUV is a very efficient build assistant that provides access to the Alliance's advanced structures. The CUV has the highest speed of any Alliance construction craft, making it ideal for spreading across all corners of a territory.
      • K-Wing Heavy Bomber: to replace the aging Y-wing bomber, the Rebel Alliance designed the K-wing bomber. Based heavily on the X-wing, this bomber uses its quad cannons to attack air and ground targets. Its biggest punch, however, comes from its heavy proton bombs that dwarf even the mighty Y-wing's arsenal. The K-wing's bombs blanket an area with enough destructive firepower to level most buildings in one pass. They are extremely expensive and vulnerable to enemy fighters, so be sure to escort them at all times!
      • X-Wing Fighter: the most famous non-Imperial starfighter in the galaxy, whose fame stems from its use in the destruction of the Death Star. The X-wing is the Alliance's ship-of-the-line, armed with four heavy laser cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. The X-wing is effective in both an air-superiority and ground-attack role, using both its cannons and torpedos to wreck havoc among enemy troops.
      • B-Wing Assault Fighter: designed by Admiral Ackbar to destroy entire Imperial warships, the B-wing sees extensive use in ground campaigns as a groud-attack fighter. Armed with laser/ion cannons and proton torpedos, the B-wing carries a formidable arsenal that it can use to paralyze and destroy enemy armies. It is slower but carries more armor than the X-wing.
      • E-wing Interceptor: the Alliance's newest and most advanced fighter. The E-wing is faster than even the A-wing, and sees extensive use as a heavy interceptor. The E-wing carries triple blaster cannons and advanced proton torpedos, and is effective against both air and ground targets. This craft has been found to be very effective against Imperial TIE Defender and TIE Advanced aircraft, attributed to its high speed and powerful weaponry.
    • Structures:
      • Fusion Generator: This power plant produces the Rebellion's main source of energy, which is in turn used to power weapons and construct other units and structures. The generator will explode rather violently when destroyed, so be careful when placing many of them in one area.
      • Solar Collector: An alternate source of energy. This plant collects solar energy and concentrates it, powering all of the Alliance's units and buildings. Available solar energy depends on a planet's orientation and distance from nearby stars, so each location's solar richness will vary. Additionally, solar energy fluxuates over time, providing random amounts of energy throughtout a battle.
      • Mineral Extractor: removes valuable minerals from varying sources. Minerals are used in constructing units and structures; the mineral cost of a given unit is roughly proportional to the amount of armoring it carries. Mineral sources can be anything from mines in the ground to chunks of crystals laying in a forest.
      • Mineral Maker: based on stolen Imperial designs, the Rebel Mineral Maker is used to convert energy into minerals. By concentrating and compressing massive amounts of energy, the Maker can produce a small amount of minerals. The result allows a player rich in energy to exchange some of his excess for minerals.
      • Energy Storage: a structure designed to hold excess energy that would otherwise go to waste. Since energy is vital to your military units, it is wise to keep large amounts in storage. The MCV and other construction units each provide a small amount of storage, but the Energy Storage structure will greatly increase that amount.
      • Mineral Storage: similarly designed to store excess minerals in case more are needed at a later time. It is very common for a once-healthy economy to quickly fall into recession because of over-expansion and enemy raids. Mineral Storage structures will increase the excess minerals you can store, helping reduce the severity of such recessions.
      • Tibanna Refinery: natural sources of Tibanna gas exist on many worlds. By placing a Refinery over such gas vents, vast amounts of energy can be created. As Tibanna gas is highly flammable, losing a Refineriy will result in tremendous explosions. The risk is well worth-it though; Refineries produce as much energy as a dozen Solar Collectors.
      • Sensor Tower: the Sensor Tower will expand your radar coverage, allowing you to observe enemy movements on your mini-map. An absolutely essential part of every base. Beware, some units have the ability to jam radars, allowing units to sneak by unnoticed. It is thus wise to keep up constant patrols outside your base.
      • Sandbags: while seemingly useless, Sandbags are perhaps your greatest defensive structure. Sandbags will utterly stop any enemy ground movement, allowing you to cut off passages and force enemy troops to traverse certain well-defended areas. Defensive structures are greatly improved with the presence of sandbags, which deflect and prevent enemy fire from hitting the defensive structures.
      • Medium-Repeater Blaster: a small, unarmed blaster effective against small groups of infantry. The MRB is your only early-game defense buildable by the MCV. It is best used in groups defending resource centers from early attack. The MRB is ineffective against vehicles and walkers, which should be defended against with heavier defenses like the Golan and Atgar.
      • Anti-Aircraft Battery: stationary anti-aircraft battery. Fires explosive shells at incoming aircraft that are devastating against tightly-packed groups. This battery has trouble tracking faster-moving craft like TIE Interceptors, which should be destroyed using Rocket Troopers and/or A-Wings and Z95 Headhunters.
      • Golan Anti-Infantry Battery: the powerful Golan Battery has a longer range than the MRB and fires high-energy bolts capable of engulfing multiple infantry and vehicles in their blast radii. The Golan is less powerful than the Imperial Turbolaser but also cheaper, allowing a Rebel commander to deploy multiple Golans for every Turbolaser his opponent constructs.
      • Atgar Anti-Vehicle Array: this laser array does little damage, but don't let that fool you -- the Atgar is a very effective defense unit. It has nearly twice the range and half the reload of the Golan Battery, which allows the Atgar to harass enemy troopers from an extreme distance. A small group of Atgars act almost like artillery fire, shelling incoming troops with a barrage of laser bolts.
      • Spotter Tower: a lone Rebel soldier sits atop this tower of metal, keeping watch for Imperial movements. His pair of high-power binoculars enable him to see a great distance, providing line-of-sight over a large area. Though Rebel radar technology can detect Imperial units at a further range than the Spotter Tower can see, the Tower actually allows any unit in the area to fire at these units as soon as it sees them, unlike radar tower, which forces the commander to give explicit firing orders. One Spotter Tower will enable your Atgar and Golan batteries to fire at their maximum range all the time, greatly increasing their efficiency.
      • Energy Generator: recent engineering advances have resulted in the Energy Generator, a high-yield power system that provides more power to your army than three-dozen Fusion Generators. Use these generators to power your late-game armies, gradually replacing your Fusion Generator fields. Keep them well-guarded, though, as they are fragile and explode in a mighty fashion when destroyed! The Rebellion's Energy Generator is cheaper to build than the Empire's, but produces less energy overall.
      • Advanced Mineral Extractor: a more efficient version of the Mineral Extractor that bores deeper into the planet to remove greater quantities of valuable minerals. One Advanced Extractor produces minerals three times faster than a standard extractor. You should transition to these extractors as your army grows in size, using their extra output to produce larger and advanced armies.
      • Stormcannon: firing destructive missiles at a rapid pace, the Stormcannon is the Rebellion's answer to the increased potency of recent Imperial fighter craft. It features a burst rocket system that fires extremely powerful missiles in groups powerful enough to incinerate all but the heaviest aircraft. With a large range and excellent tracking system, one Stormcannon should be able to protect a large area of your base from enemy attack.
      • Proton Torpedo Artillery: filling the need for medium-range defense is the Proton Torpedo Artillery, which fires heavy torpedos similar to those used by the MPTL. This artillery platform uses an advanced targeting suite to "lob" its torpedos over terrain and blocking wreckage, significanly increasing the potency of its weapon. Useful for defending against attacks from Mobile Artillery.
    • Build Tree:
      • MCV: builds Solar Collector, Mineral Extractor, Mineral Maker, Energy Storage, Mineral Storage, Sensor Tower, Barracks, Aircraft Base, Spotter Tower, and MRB Blaster.
      • Construction Droid: builds all MCV structures, plus Tibanna Refinery, Repulsorlift Plant, Heavy Weapons Lab, Heavy Infantry Barracks, Sandbags, AA Battery, Golan Battery, and Atgar Array .
      • TUG: builds all Construction Droid structures, plus Advanced Starfighter Base.
      • CUV and Construction Hover: build Advanced Mineral Extractor, Energy Generator, Stormcannon, and Proton Torpedo Artillery.
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