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Official Manual/F.A.Q.


  1. SWTA History
  2. Installation
  3. Playing the Game
  4. Unit Guide
  5. General Strategy/Tactics
  6. Online/Multiplayer Gaming
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Support/Other Miscellany

II. Installation

Before playing Star Wars: Total Annihilation, you must complete one of the following sets of steps:
  1. Regular (Non-TA:M) Installation
    1. If you have free space available on your hard drive, make a fresh installation of Total Annihilation, The Core Contingency (optional, but highly recommended), and the Total Annihilation v3.1 Patch (available at http://tauniverse.com/files/patch/ta). If you do not have space, you can still play SWTA, but some problems may arise which we cannot be held accountable for.
      Note: this directory will from now on be referred to as "your TA directory"
    2. Download the following files from the SWTA website:
          a. swtapack3_full.zip
    3. Unzip all files into your TA directory. The following files should now be present in your TA directory:
          a. ccdata.ccx (if CC is installed)
          b. ccmaps.ccx (ditto)
          c. ccunits.ccx (ditto)
          d. impsounds1.swx
          e. impsounds2.swx
          f. impsounds3.swx
          g. impsounds4.swx
          h. rebsounds1.swx
          i. rebsounds2.swx
          j. rebsounds3.swx
          k. rebsounds4.swx
          l. rev31.gp3
          m. rev40.gp4
          n. setup.exe
          o. setup.ini
          p. SWTA.exe
          q. swtapack1.swx
          r. swtapack2.swx
          s. swtapack3.swx
          t. swtapack4.swx
          u. Totala.exe
          v. totala1.hpi
          w. UNWISE.exe
    4. If installing to an existing TA directory, make sure there are no folders titled "AI" or "gamedata" in your TA directory. If there are, remove them before playing, or else SWTA will not function as intended.
    5. Double-click SWTA.exe to play Star Wars: Total Annihilation! (It is highly recommended you make a shortcut to SWTA.exe, for convenience)

  2. TA:M Installation
    1. Download swtatam.zip from the SWTA website.
    2. Unzip swtatam.zip into your Totala\TA-Mutation\TCs folder.
    3. Start TA:M and select SWTA - ****, where **** represents the current version of SWTA.
    4. Launch TA.
    5. Note: use TA:M at your own risk. Several errors (i.e. E-webs that don't fire) have been reported by users of the TA:M version of SWTA. We cannot help you with these errors; if you continue to have them, install SWTA to a fresh directory, as above.

  3. Macintosh Installation
    1. Visit http://www.tauniverse.com/macta and download the SWTA files.
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SWTA and all it's content is a work of fan fiction. Star Wars, and all associated content (whether trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by federal, state or other intellectual property law) are property of LucasFilm Ltd. We produce SWTA for our own use, and for the enjoyment of our fans. We make no profit, and do not feel that it is detrimental to the Star Wars name, brand or license as a whole. Questions should be directed to HANSOLO.
SW: Imperial Winter
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