LatestUpdate |
13 February 2001 |
Starter Pack V1 Release Pending |
5 February 2001 |
Clans a no go... |
1 February 2001 |
We're back! Just in case you we're worried that we'd dissapeared forever. It was just TAU migrating to a diferent server. Well here's a little pic to keep you salavating. These are probably the update units you will see before the next pack is released. From left to right: Rebel T1-B, Imperial CAV, Rebel ULAV and the Imperial AAT. The AAT and ULAV were origninal included in the Starter pack but both had slightly dodgy scripts so we're recalled in order to get the pack out quicker; just so you have an idea of how close thse units actually are. Element 115 out... |
29 January 2001 |
Bit of this and bit of that. Well that last patch by Han seemed to kill off the good majority of the bugs and adressed the major balancing issue of the rocket troopers. A couple of bugs manged to slip past that patch though. We're working on fixing those; but they are really nothing major to worry about. Time to start cracking on with the next pack and some of those addon units I guess. While having a bit of a browse around TAMEC a found a map by Padington that I thought was kind of Tattoine like, really need more dunes then hills but never the less here's a link for it (1MB). So while we're on the subject of 3rd party maps I'll answer the question a few of you are beginning to ask "Why don't my 3rd party maps work?" This is because we have basically we disabled SWTA from reading *.ufo files. Instead SWTA reads *.swx files so when you downoad this map you'll have to change the file extension from bordu.ufo ---> bordu.swx. And you can do this with any of your other maps. Anyone that knows a bit about using HPI tools, should consider putting all their map files into one ccx or hpi file so TA and SWTA can both use them. The first applicants for SWTA clan leaders are trickling in, if you think your up to the job read the post made on the 26th of January and email me. Element 115 out... |
28 January 2001 |
AI Update if you are
using the Second BETA posted below, I would recommend
using this new AI. AI is now included with the update HANSOLO |
Second BETA Arrives! I have fixed
up the so far reported problems in the first BETA. That
is the footprints of the Stormies and the firing of the
Rocket guys. Head over to the download page to get it. There are
still a couple of problems with the AI; more so now that
it pumps out LOADS of near-useless AA troops. Make sure to head over to the boards to submit any problems you have and we can try and fix them up ASAP. HANSOLO PS: If anyone can figure out why the Rebel Vehicle Plant isn't leaving a corpse, I would be very greatful if you could help us out :o) |
26 January 2001 |
First SWTA demo recording Well last
night I found in my mailbox the first recording of SWTA,
and what turned out to be quite a good game between neoStratoS
and MangyMaggotMan. You can download the game
for yourselves here (400kb) and see what you think. Note: when loading
the recorder do so exactly as normal, but do not click
the last 'Start TA' button, instead run the SWTA.exe and
join the game as if playing multi-player.
For clan
leader we are not looking for the best player, but
someone who is good at organising and can put in a
reasonable amount of time in for their clan. Element 115 out... |
25 January 2001 |
Feedback is good.
Point one we
kind of expected, although it has been repeatedly stated
that this was the 'starter pack' and numerous screenshots
of what would be included. Yet people where still found
asking why they could only build level one units. Element 115 out... |
23 January 2001 |
This is not the end. It is not even
the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of
the beginning You can expect daily updates from now as the feedback drips in. Well that's about it for tonight so...On behalf of everyone here at SWTA, we hope you enjoy playing. EnJoY Element 115 out... |
22 January 2001 |
One day to go... Element 115 out... |
21 January 2001 |
The wait is over...the date is set. Tuesday January 23rd 2001 Details to follow Element 115 out... |
19 January 2001 |
closer you could play it
The pack has now reached what we hope to be the final beta, providing our last few tests go to plan this should be the version that is released. Some of you may be wondering why when you download the pack that it is only labeled version '0.9', this is because it will be an open beta for a short time. During this time we will listen to what the people (that's you) have to say about balancing issues, and any small bugs we may have missed. Another interesting issue that we are currently discussing in this thread is the prospect and what will probably be the reality of creating two official SWTA clans. At the moment we are just knocking a few names around an assessing the amount of people who would be interested in joining the a clan. So if your interested in joining, have a cool idea for names or even think you should be clan leader you should probably get onto the board. You may also have noticed recently that we are having some work done on the site, we had hoped that we would have an all new layout to coincide with the release of the pack. However at the moment it looks like the pack will actually be finished first. Hopefully the new layout and design will be ready soon though. Don't forget either that if you want to chat with members of the team or even other SWTA fans you should check out our channel on the TA Universe IRC server. If you haven't got an IRC client you can download one free from Then enter as the server then #swta as the channel. In case you missed them on TAU: Rebels | Imperials Element 115 out... |
7 December 2000 |
of a hero... Today I took the Spaceport pack offline
nearly exactly 18 months after it's release. Although it
has been our only major release other then the odd few
units back in the old days, the rest or the members and I
feel it is very dated now and doesn't really reflect what
we are capable of. Element 115 out... |
6 December 2000 |
TA:M then. Well
that was all an adequate waste of time, there was a bit
of mis-information going around the group which confused
the issue. Anyway we will be releasing two version of the
game, one to be compatible with TA:M and the other the
stand alone version. Get TA:M here (400kb) Visit Immerman's official TA: Mutation site. Element 115 out... |
5 December 2000 |
TA:M or not to TA:M... Currently there is a small division within the group about wether we should release SWTA as a TA:M (TA: Mutation) conversion. For those of you who don't use or know what TA:M is you can read this to find out a little more. <<Poll finished>> As you can we see we're on a new news page, so you can find anything you've missed in the archive section...also the links page has been updated. Element 115 out... |