28 Novemebr 2000


There was a tremor in the force...


25 Novemebr 2000
Did we mention…?

Just though I'd mention this issue as I don't think we have brought it up yet…all the lasers in SWTA will be full 3d. For those of you who don't know or never really thought about this lasers in TA are actually drawn in pixels. "So why are we bothering" I here you ask. Well TA actually renders 3d objects faster then in draws lines, so it will in fact help to reduce lag. There are a few sceptics around that actually believe it contributes to more lag in extreme circumstances. Also though it leaves the possibility for creating a base shield type unit open. Without going into to much detail this sort of unit would only work if all the weapons are made from 3do's.

Here's a variety of some of them

As you know we are using a custom exe for the game and as well as changing the actual image (talked about in a previous update) there are a few more things that have been changed or we plan to change for the pending release. Here's a list:

  • Various in game captions have been replaced (e.g. "Surrender this battle and exit to Windows?" is now "Join the dark side?")
  • New death messages (e.g. "x forces have gone to a better place" replaced by "x forces have been eliminated from the sector")
  • Lounge captions replaced (e.g. "Game continues after Commander is destroyed" has become "Game continues after MCV / TMB is destroyed")
  • Disabled functions we don't need like the original credits and intro movie.

We'll probably change more stuff as we discover what else we can customise.

I'd like to congratulate
ARE (our sister site) for putting out some excellent models for their SWTA:WIS (Star Wars Total Annihilation: War in Space) TC. If you haven't seen them yet check out The Third Party Alliance (I Don't know why they haven't updated their main site yet).

Element 115 out...

11 Novemebr 2000
Your new favourite icon and front screen.

Yensid has been hard at work with various different graphical aspects of the game. The SWTA program icon is his latest contribution…which he done completely in hex a might add. For those of you who don't realise what that would be like, imagine getting a A4 sheet or graph paper (the type with 1mm squares) and then putting a dot in every singe square on the page. Here it is anyway…along with the finished frontend screen that now displays a three button layout with the SWTA font and version number.

The first version of the Rebels has begun circulation within the group, as you may expect it's quite buggy at the moment. Despite the bugs it's be quite fun playing with the Rebels and giving the Imperials a good whooping. :o)

Element 115 out...

25 October 2000

Well work is going well, Quitchy from
AI Central has joined us and has put together a great AI. Although this has created a new problem, we now spending more time playing(s) 'bug testing' then actually working on the project.
Although during my 'bug testing' I did get a chance to make you a few screenshots, although If you've been visiting the
bulletin board lately you will already have seen most of these already. Just another good reason to go visit the boards.

Yensid has also been working on a new font for the game that is looking kinda funky. Here's a pic of it in it's early development stage. He's currently in the process of importing it into the game.

Finally the results of the poll, which was pretty unanimous with nearly 75% of you believing we should try "Try to justify them by including something in the intro, regarding 'new technology'", Now I guess we just have to come up with something.

Element 115 out...

27 September 2000
It's poll time again!!!

This is a serious issue though peoples so please consider you answer carefully.

The nano-lathe problem.
How would you like us to handle the issue of nano-lathes, as currently it is impossible to remove them from the game.
Would you like too:
Have them justified by including something in the intro, regarding 'new technology'.
Or use your imagination and pretend it's not there.


There are good arguments for each point I and the rest of the group feel, on one hand this 'new technology' will not be officially 'Star Wars' and I know some of you will hate that. However the other side of the argument with ignoring them is that the game will still largely resemble TA.

You decide.

Element 115 out...

24 September 2000
Just an update

Well work is continuing well on the pack, especially now we have a new member to the team. Influenza who most of you will know from
Unit Universe, TAU's sister site. Here's a couple of models he's done for us:

So now basically the Imperials are all set and ready for balancing, which will start when then Rebels have been finished off.

Also my email address hasn't work for about two weeks, I do reply to all the emails I get sent so If you've sent me something and wondering why I haven't replied the chances are I never got it. Anyway my new email address is

And the final piece of information is to advise you all that the Spaceport pack will be re-called in the not to distant future. "Why would you re-call the only units you have available for download though?" I here you all cry. Well three main reasons a) It's very old and out dated, b) the starter pack is just round the corner, and finally completely selfishly on my part :þ c) I'm fed up with getting email from people regarding "why does the spaceport pack not work in skirmish?". So if you have since lost your copy for what ever reason and think you would like to have that pack back before it follows Cavedog to the boneyard, you better get it soon.

Element 115 out...

11 September 2000
Chug Chug Chug

Just though I better make an update to tell you all we're still working on the project and SWTA is still alive.
Although since my last update way back in June the community has lost many of its great pillars; Annihilated, Boneyards and TARBC. Well enough with the bad news already onto the good stuff…

Probably the best piece of news is that the Imperial units for the starter pack are pretty much done, just a few script tweaks and problems to sort out and hey-presto.
Anyway here they are in all their glory:

(Rub to enlarge)

I'd also like to stress that these are only about a third of the Imperial units that will be available in the end as this is just a 'starter pack'. Basically what you can see there is all the level one structures and resources, minus a few of the 'upper end' vehicles and infantry.
The rebel units are no being compiled for the starter pack, only one of them still needs modelling and a couple of scripts are still required. The majority of the work is mainly the build pics that are just tedious to do.

The news has been also been archived as the page was getting quite long and old the first date on the page was from April. So if you want to look anything up it's not lost it's over on the sidebar in the archives section.

*Plug* A new site has opened at UU (or it was new when I was first asked to do this sorry Me22)
ARE 'Antirral Royal Engineers'. Anyway these guys are going to be working on SWTA:WIS or 'Star Wars Total Annihilation: War in Space' for short ;o). These guys are working on combining elements from this and the TA:WIS conversions, plus some additional add-ons of there own. Probably the most appealing aspect to most people will be the fact the scale will be much smaller then SWTA so you will be able to use capital ships. *Plug*

Element 115 out...