20 June 2000
The Rebellion Strikes Back

Doesn't quite have the same ring to it somehow.
Anyway here it is the rebel version of the SWTA sidebar, this one however will definitely change round a bit because the Rebel metal storage that is not yet complete will be on this page rather then the vehicle plant.

Here we go then reading left to right down the image: Ore mine, solar collector, Energy Storage, Metal Maker, Sensor Beacon and Vehicle Plant.

Element 115 out...

9 June 2000

Could it be...another update?

Believe me I'm as surprised as you ;o). It's not a biggy anyway, but I thought I'd show of an example image I've put together of what the Imperial side bar will look like.

Regular old (but loveable) TA

Fresh, new and groovy SWTA

Reading left to right down the image: Ore mine, Fusion generator, Energy Storage, Metal Storage, Sensor Beacon and E-web

That's all folks!
Element 115 out...

6 June 2000

We're still here.

Well to make up for the lack of posts over the past month I though I'd treat you to a few screen shots, three of them are in-game shots and one is an interface screen that Angel7 has put together.
It was brought to my attention that all the screen shots so far have all been basically showing off really so I've put together some meagre base shots and one of the so far unseen airspeeders.

(Click to enlarge)

Angel7 has also completed several others which now puts us up to six interface screens, the front-end, Rebel/Imperial briefing, loading, save game and new campaign screens have all been finished.

Apart from that all I can say is "role on July" as that will signify freedom for Han and I who will then have finished our exams and college in general, and more importantly for you guys we'll have more time for SWTA.
Don't forget check out the bulletin board, you'll find many interesting titbits of information.

Element 115 out…

13 May 2000


First and most excitingly we have three new members, yippy :o). Well actually two old ones have rejoined the cause, but one is fresh and shiny. Not to belittle the other guys, but firstly I'm proud to announce that Wedge is back. SWTA was originally Wedge's baby, it was his idea and generally the guy that got the ball rolling the best part of two years ago. Now he's back to help us finish the job.
Sandtrooper who was originally in the group as a unit modeller and scripter has returned to the fray to help us out.
Last but by no means least is Angel7, he's joining Yensid and Master Soda in the Interface design, and has shown some promising drafts for the mission briefing screens.

Finishing off the site clean up…
Well a started a site clean up a couple of months ago, and I have just about finished now. The more vigilante visitors will have noticed the new
unit page I have added. If you haven't, check it out now it has a the full listing of all the units in the conversion. Also I have upgraded the FAQ with a few more of those 'frequently asked questions', so please if you are thinking of mailing me or any of the other guys check out the FAQ first; your question may be answered there. Otherwise do not hesitate to email us with questions or use the bulletin board to make an enquiry.

Fortunately since the last update some work has been completed on the project, mainly by the new guy Angel7 on the interface. The Interface in itself is a huge job as there are well over a hundred screens that need changing so it's great to see this part of the project is progressing well. Expect some screenshots of what Angel7 has come up with shortly (not to put the pressure on or anything mate).

Lastly a sad piece of news for the TA community. Roughly a year ago a group called SWTC started out to create a separate Star Wars Total Annihilation conversion. Sadly though they have decided to stop work on their project due to other projects and circumstances. Generally our two groups got along and there wasn't as much rivalry as you would have though between two group working for a similar goal, if anything the separate groups gave help and encouragement to the other.
So please join me in saying farewell to Jebradic and TNO who have now left the TA community, good luck in what every you are now doing and 'May the Force be with you'.

Element 115 out...

5 May 2000

Whoops what happened here then…

Well why have there been no updates? Simply because there has been nothing to tell it's been that bad :o(. The good news is however there is only one way to go from here, and that is of course forward. A few new faces and an old one have emerged from the wood work to help the cause, I'll keep there identities under wraps until they have confirmed their roles.
Well as soon as a someone comes back from exams we lose another. Hawkman has recently finished his exams and ready to start work again, but Han has fallen into habination as he prepares for his A-levels starting in a few weeks.

There'll be an update soon with new members and a progress report soon…. no really I won't leave it a month this time ;o).

Element 115

14 April 2000

Bah, who likes surprises anyway

Well when the build pics were first designed for SWTA we decided to keep them under wraps, because they were a little radical and something new and we though it would make a pleasant surprise. We have changed our plans slightly for the build pics but basically they're gonna look like this.

Imperial command viechle

The Rebel ones will be basically the same except with a red background grid. Big thanx to Hawkman for the design idea and Han for putting it all together.

Sorry for those that like surprises but I'm sure there are many more of you out there that like to see progress, well there it is. Hopefully you will see some more through these next to weeks as it's half term for the UK residence :).

Element 115

5 April 2000
All UK fans.

Make sure you check out May's edition of PC Zone, because SWTA is in it! Check out page 37 as there is nearly a full page article on SWTA in PC Zone's 'Team Time' section. It is basically an interview with Han and I and a few screenshots throw in. I'll have to get a copy of the dialog from the interview and post it up, but if you can check it out yourself.

Ok the screenshots pages are back up, the development section is a bit thin at the moment so I'll have to make some more shots for that. For the in game section I've taken the best of what we had before, and I will add some new ones soon. There is one new one in there at the moment which is a picture of an ATAT in Tatooine, so if your interested take a peek.

That's just about it for today, don't forget to check out our

Element 115
29 March 2000
Site Clean Up

Well as many of you will have noticed our sidebar regularly plays up, and either doesn't appear or appears in bits. So the first thing on my list to is to sort that out, then I will be tidying up the rest of the pages. The screenshots pages will be getting a major overhaul, as we hope to have all new ones soon :). So while all this is going on be prepared for some dead links.

Ok and now for the results in the polls, first the 'Choose the SWTA front-end':

Which is your overall favorite Frontend?
Frontend#1 (98)
Frontend#2 (14)
Frontend#3 (78)
Frontend#4 (54)
Total Votes = 244

Well this has helped us in making discussion for the fronted, although Frontend1 won the overall poll for a few other reasons we will probably be using the runner up Frontend3. So I guess you want to know why:

  • Frontend3 received more votes of 'good' and 'excellent' in the quality section.
  • Frontend3 is fresh and new.
  • Generally I think the staff prefer Frontend3 over Frontend1.
  • Frontend1 received a lot it's votes within the final week, which suggests someone wasn't playing fair.

Now the results of the trivia poll:

Which is your favorite Star Wars film?
The Phantom Menace (58)
A New Hope (34)
The Empire Strikes Back (133)
Return of the Jedi (183)
Total Votes = 408

Well I was pleased to see that my favourite film Return of the Jedi won, but Han and Hawkman will be spewing as they claim every true Star Wars fan knows The Empire Strikes Back is the best.

Element 115 out...