Conversion News 

29 April 1999
Exciting new developments and some announcements!

First things first, sorry for not updating yesterday, however I was busy getting some things ready! My little secret I have constantly been going on about!? Well this one of them, we are moving! From next week onwards we shall be hosted by TeleFragged. Which is rather cool considering people in america should get faster access to the pages aswell lots of other goodies including a new design. I'm thinking along the lines of message boards, proper member areas, etc.

Also the Spaceport release is to go into beta testing... after that it shouldn't be too long for you to get your hands on them. We now also have two people working on a story to go with the conversion which add a little spice. Naturally I still have have this MAJOR secret, however I can't tell you quite yet! Hang on it there....


27 April 1999
Z-95 Headhunter is ready for combat!

New unit, Z-95 Headhunter.... he he he still can't tell you my little secret, but here's a little sweety to keep you going.

Maybe some of you have been reading the bulleting board over at I have been asking around if anybody has tried hacking the EXE file. What we are trying to do is change the EXE so it reads the ZRB files of the harddrive and not of the TA CD-ROM. Unfortunately no one has contacted me or responded (up to now). So it looks like the animations you get when you launch TA with the CD inserted won't get replaced in the conversion. Sad really, but its probably for the best. One its illegal (I think) and I think Cavedog would get rather angry if we started distributing a patch for the EXE. But hey that doesn't mean we won't try and built some story behind the whole conversion, oooh no. As you have probably figured by now 3Dmodeling/animation is part of my real-life job, so when I have time I will try and render/animate some cool sequences.

Thats give me a thought, if anybody reading this likes the idea of writing some script/storyline for the conversion or has some ideas for the 3D animation sequences then please do so or contact us.


26 April 1999
Updated units

Updated some units today and started work on the Z-95 Headhunter.
Also if any TA players out there have some WAV files or clips of StarWars fighters firing their weapons, we could really do with some. Just mail them to Thanks!


26 April 1999
A request from a fellow TA player

I have a question. Since most star wars/TA fans visit your site, I would like a response (post the following on your site) to my question:

The question is, does anyone know where I could aquire any models of Starwars ships they used in the movie. Any format. I'd be very happy if anyone also has a Lightwave3D/3DStudio model of an XWing with good detail. Or even better, if someone has the email address of the graphic design artists that work at Lucasfilm. Thank you in advance.

My Response: Here goes, the best place for detailed 3D models of StarWars related objects is the StarWars modeling Alliance website ---->


25 April 1999
A very cool looking Frontend and a rather colorful unit.

Started hacking the gameHPI this weekend and completed the frontend picture. Also completed the colorful Bespin Twin Pod Cloud Car that unfortunately doesn't look all that amazing due to the color palette in TA, it basically means we can only use a certain amount of colors for textures and graphics. See for yourself! More good news, we have two more members that have joined us, mainly betatesters!


23 April 1999
Uploaded the screenshots as promised.

Although there are only two, one gives you a good idea how cool the various Wings actually look in-game. I'm off this weekend to see Desperado, hope to get some serious unit editing done. Now that the adv. spaceport is finished, a release is imminent. I also try and compile that tutorial I promised.


PS: I've got a little surprise for everyone, but its tooo soon to tell everyone yet! Cu!

22 April 1999 (@midnight)
He he he, lets kick some Imperial butt, V-Wing & A-Wing are ready for battle!

Battle stations everyone! Just completed the A-Wing & V-Wing bother looking rather good if I may say so myself. Although I haven't updated the screenshoots there should be some available tomorrow. Good night!


21 April 1999
Rebel Metal Maker

Although it look rather dull int the unit viewer, it actually looks rather good in-game. Thats it!


19 April 1999
Rebel Metal Extractor is complete plus the announcement of some tutorials!

This should of only taken 5 minutes to do instead I decided to record all my actions and screengrap most sections to allow me to produce some tutorials.... should be up by tomorrow. Screenshots have been updated with the X-Wing aswell as the unitlists..


18 April 1999
Final X-Wing unit.... at last!!

At last we finished it,.. although it didn't give us much problems it did take time to get the modelling and texturing right. But as you can see we finally cracked it,.... Hope you like it! Check it out here.


16 April 1999
More X-Wing shots

Almost there.... few textures on the back are missing, and I'll probably remodel the engines at the back cause they're each 50 poly's which won't do for in-game. Expect some more units this coming weekend.


PS: Wedge if your reading this..... I would appreciate some comments on it.

14 April 1999
X-Wing preview shots

Its almost finished! The X-Wing is close to completion. Just a few more touches here and there.

12 April 1999
E-Wing fighter is complete!

Its finished! The Rebel E-Wing, only another hundred to go....! Oh well, we should be speeding up production soon anway. Consequently I have updated the Rebel Unit List and the Units section. Naturally screenshots will follow shortly...


PS: Still looking for someone who can do some kick-ass scripting!

12 April 1999
Rebel unitlist almost finished

You remeber I mentioned the Unitlist at the weekend, well its almost there. I have uploaded the Rebel unitlist as it is at the moment. Its a step forward! I hoped to get the Imperial side done aswell, sadly golf on a beautiful sunday took over. Look out for the E-Wing in a few days time..


PS: Still looking for someone who can do some kick-ass scripting!

10 April 1999
Almost complete unitlist plus forcasting some big updates!

We are all working hard to get the unitlist out on the web by the end of this week (hopefully). So expect some big BIG updates soon, with more pictures, units, downloads, etc.
On the side: The website should also load up a bit faster due to higher compression of the background images..


PS: Still looking for someone who can do some kick-ass scripting!

8 April 1999
Suspicious Top200 rating plus new members

Just a quick one (working hard on the unitlist!). I have been observing our Top200 ranking very closely lately aswell as my bandwidth limit. Mmmmh, we've gone from the 20th right up to 14th in just one day. Thanks everyone! I also had over 25 MB taken from my server in the last two days which kinda means Demon Internet will be nocking on my door for money, as I am only allowed 5 MB bandwidth a day! On a happier note, I have added five of our six new members.


7 April 1999
First Newsletter gone out to all members

Just mailed the first ever newsletter to all members. In case your are a member and haven't received it (very unlikely) please mail me.


7 April 1999
Funny Joke

Just a quick update, I got this really funny starwars joke from a friend (so its not mine OK!!) here at work. Enjoy! (If you haven't seen Trainspotting you won't understand it!)


7 April 1999
Six new members and hassle from my ISP!

Good news is that six new people have joined THE FORCE. I will add them shortly to the members list. We have also almost completed both unitlists which should be out soon. The bad (not really) news is that my ISP will probably be in contact with me as our website is using tooooo much bandwith. Aaah before I go, thank you all people that are voting for us on the top200 TA sites (If you wish to vote click on the picture below). We are currently 18th however I believe will should be within the top ten not before too long the rate we are going at. Thanks again and keep voting!


6 April 1999
What no new units today?!?

No sorry, other things had to come first today such as new members and update to the unitlist which will be released/uploaded hopefully by the end of this week. Have fun!


5 April 1999
New downloadable unit with some tasty screenshots!

He he he! THE FORCE is screaming along! A new unit everyday sofar. At the rate we are going sofar we should be finished by mid-may. Anyway down to the news, well we've just release our first unit to download. The unit might not be all that exciting however its a start! I have also uploaded a cool new screenshot of one of the build menus.


4 April 1999
New Unit for the Rebel Alliance, plus screenshots!

The much feared Y-Wing Bomber has been completed and added to the Rebellion. There are also some screenshots of the new unit.

SpUtNiK / Chaos

3 April 1999
New Member

We have a new member going by the name of Chaos. He will mainly work on maps and missions.

SpUtNiK / Desperado

2 April 1999
New Screenshots aswell as a new unit for the Rebellion

Three new screenshots showing the B-Wing in full flight, this one was particuly hard to script as it doesn't fly the same way it lands! Anyway here's the final result. We are still on the outlook for some new people!


1 April 1999
First Screenshots and Another unit for the Rebel Alliance

Six screenshots showing three of the five completed units. The new Rebel Landspeeder will prove a great scout despite the lack of weapons.


31 March 1999
New Members wanted!

THE FORCE is still on the outlook for new members. So if you are an enthusiastic TA player and like sound of making your own units send us a mail about yourself. You don't need any special skills or knowledge to help!

SpUtNiK / Desperado

30 March 1999
Phantom Menace Pictures/Posters

Pictures and Posters from the brand new StarWars film "The Phantom Menace"


29 March 1999
Four new Rebellion units

The Rebel Alliance gets its first units. The Millenium Falcon, T-16 Skyhopper, Snowspeeder and a Powergenerator. More info to follow on monday aswell as all the other sections... hopefully!


28 March 1999
Website finally goes online!

Finally THE FORCE goes online for the first time! Hope you all like the design...
As you know we are a brand new TA unit group working towards a total conversion with SWTC. Aswell as providing the latest news, files and pictures on the StarWars Total Conversion, we will also try and provide the latest utilities for TA and maybe some tutorials. Not to forget lots of info on StarWars.